Thursday, July 31, 2008

Welcome Back!

I almost forgot my password!

It has been TOO LONG since I logged on and let you know how things are going.

In a word: Busy. I know we all lead busy lives and I hate to say that I am busy when so many of my three readers do more in their days than I, (two boys, working full time outside the home, three kids) so I will say:if you have a scheduling or organization tip that you love, please SHARE! So far I have been using Outlook Calendar and it gets me where I need to be on time- I just seem to run out of day before I run out of "to dos."

Last week Slick, the Peep and I made an unscheduled trip to the Land of Lincoln for Papa's brother's funeral. It was wonderful to see so many of "The Family" there, though the circumstances were sad. Brother lived a long and full life leaving a wife of I think 55 years and a lovely daughter as well as many many nieces nephews and cousins.

The Peep was a dream to travel with watching her "little TV" portable DVD player on the plane both ways and sleeping in the other double bed in the hotel room like a princess. She especially loved the door that connected us to Busia and Papa's room! I think they had as much fun with it as she did!

Missed you all!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Great Day!

Summer Fun! The Peep and I are having a fun day... Slick called and invited up to his office at the Big Bad Broadband Company and out to lunch!!! This is not not not what the Peep is wearing... Have a great day!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I can't get the Adobe Flash player to work on my vistafied computer. I have been trying for about 45 minutes. I have downloaded and installed and downloaded and installed and rebooted and downloaded and installed.

Uber frustrating for a girl who is just trying to see the Kevin Costner trailer for the new movie coming out in August and then to see the web page of the restaurant Slick and I are trying to go to tonight. Seriously. How can I know what to wear to dinner if I can't see the restaurant and the menu?? Comfy pants? Sassy jeans? Sassy shorts?

I have announced that someone smarter than I will have to figure it out.

The Peep just made the following announcement: "I can help, I am smarter than you."

And Slick said: "And so it begins..."


Friday, July 11, 2008

Paint Maker

Hill Dog and I just picked the Peep up from school. She was sitting in the back of the play ground with two other girls playing with sidewalk chalk. They were "making paint."

The Peep told us all about it in the car. "You know,"- she said matter of factly. "You make chalk dust and put it in a shovel or bucket or clam shell or something and then add water and then you have paint." The Peep had it on her hands because she was the one mixing the paint. Hope was the one who gave out the recipe, but she had already been picked up when we got there. Mean girl was painting her war stripes on her face when I was driving away and the whiner was asking if we were going the Chuckie Cheese for dinner. Uh- NO.

So there you have it. The Peep is a chemist. Or an artist. Or a mess maker. I am not sure which- but man, she sure is cute!